Source code for cpmpy.solvers.gurobi

#!/usr/bin/env python
    Interface to the python 'gurobi' package

    Requires that the 'gurobipy' python package is installed:

        $ pip install gurobipy
    as well as the Gurobi bundled binary packages, downloadable from:
    In contrast to other solvers in this package, Gurobi is not free to use and requires an active licence
    You can read more about available licences at

    List of classes

    .. autosummary::


    Module details

from .solver_interface import SolverInterface, SolverStatus, ExitStatus
from ..expressions.core import *
from ..expressions.variables import _BoolVarImpl, NegBoolView, _IntVarImpl, _NumVarImpl, intvar
from ..expressions.globalconstraints import DirectConstraint
from ..transformations.comparison import only_numexpr_equality
from ..transformations.decompose_global import decompose_in_tree
from ..transformations.flatten_model import flatten_constraint, flatten_objective
from ..transformations.get_variables import get_variables
from ..transformations.linearize import linearize_constraint, only_positive_bv
from ..transformations.normalize import toplevel_list
from ..transformations.reification import only_implies, reify_rewrite, only_bv_reifies

    import gurobipy as gp
    GRB_ENV = None
except ImportError:

[docs]class CPM_gurobi(SolverInterface): """ Interface to Gurobi's API Requires that the 'gurobipy' python package is installed: $ pip install gurobipy See detailed installation instructions at: Creates the following attributes (see parent constructor for more): - grb_model: object, TEMPLATE's model object The `DirectConstraint`, when used, calls a function on the `grb_model` object. """
[docs] @staticmethod def supported(): # try to import the package try: import gurobipy as gp global GRB_ENV if GRB_ENV is None: # initialise the native gurobi model object GRB_ENV = gp.Env() GRB_ENV.setParam("OutputFlag", 0) GRB_ENV.start() return True except: return False
def __init__(self, cpm_model=None, subsolver=None): """ Constructor of the native solver object Arguments: - cpm_model: a CPMpy Model() """ if not self.supported(): raise Exception( "CPM_gurobi: Install the python package 'gurobipy' and make sure your licence is activated!") import gurobipy as gp # TODO: subsolver could be a GRB_ENV if a user would want to hand one over self.grb_model = gp.Model(env=GRB_ENV) # initialise everything else and post the constraints/objective # it is sufficient to implement __add__() and minimize/maximize() below super().__init__(name="gurobi", cpm_model=cpm_model)
[docs] def solve(self, time_limit=None, solution_callback=None, **kwargs): """ Call the gurobi solver Arguments: - time_limit: maximum solve time in seconds (float, optional) - kwargs: any keyword argument, sets parameters of solver object Arguments that correspond to solver parameters: Examples of gurobi supported arguments include: - Threads : int - MIPFocus: int - ImproveStartTime : bool - FlowCoverCuts: int For a full list of gurobi parameters, please visit """ from gurobipy import GRB if time_limit is not None: self.grb_model.setParam("TimeLimit", time_limit) # call the solver, with parameters for param, val in kwargs.items(): self.grb_model.setParam(param, val) _ = self.grb_model.optimize(callback=solution_callback) grb_objective = self.grb_model.getObjective() grb_status = self.grb_model.Status # new status, translate runtime self.cpm_status = SolverStatus( self.cpm_status.runtime = self.grb_model.runtime # translate exit status if grb_status == GRB.OPTIMAL and not self.has_objective(): self.cpm_status.exitstatus = ExitStatus.FEASIBLE elif grb_status == GRB.OPTIMAL and self.has_objective(): self.cpm_status.exitstatus = ExitStatus.OPTIMAL elif grb_status == GRB.INFEASIBLE: self.cpm_status.exitstatus = ExitStatus.UNSATISFIABLE elif grb_status == GRB.TIME_LIMIT: if self.grb_model.SolCount == 0: # can be sat or unsat self.cpm_status.exitstatus = ExitStatus.UNKNOWN else: self.cpm_status.exitstatus = ExitStatus.FEASIBLE else: # another? raise NotImplementedError( f"Translation of gurobi status {grb_status} to CPMpy status not implemented") # a new status type was introduced, please report on github # True/False depending on self.cpm_status has_sol = self._solve_return(self.cpm_status) # translate solution values (of user specified variables only) self.objective_value_ = None if has_sol: # fill in variable values for cpm_var in self.user_vars: solver_val = self.solver_var(cpm_var).X if cpm_var.is_bool(): cpm_var._value = solver_val >= 0.5 else: cpm_var._value = int(solver_val) # set _objective_value if self.has_objective(): self.objective_value_ = grb_objective.getValue() return has_sol
[docs] def solver_var(self, cpm_var): """ Creates solver variable for cpmpy variable or returns from cache if previously created """ if is_num(cpm_var): # shortcut, eases posting constraints return cpm_var # special case, negative-bool-view # work directly on var inside the view if isinstance(cpm_var, NegBoolView): raise Exception("Negative literals should not be part of any equation. See /transformations/linearize for more details") # create if it does not exit if cpm_var not in self._varmap: from gurobipy import GRB if isinstance(cpm_var, _BoolVarImpl): revar = self.grb_model.addVar(vtype=GRB.BINARY, elif isinstance(cpm_var, _IntVarImpl): revar = self.grb_model.addVar(, cpm_var.ub, vtype=GRB.INTEGER, name=str(cpm_var)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not a known var {}".format(cpm_var)) self._varmap[cpm_var] = revar # return from cache return self._varmap[cpm_var]
[docs] def objective(self, expr, minimize=True): """ Post the given expression to the solver as objective to minimize/maximize 'objective()' can be called multiple times, only the last one is stored (technical side note: any constraints created during conversion of the objective are premanently posted to the solver) """ from gurobipy import GRB # make objective function non-nested (flat_obj, flat_cons) = (flatten_objective(expr)) self += flat_cons get_variables(flat_obj, collect=self.user_vars) # add potentially created constraints # make objective function or variable and post obj = self._make_numexpr(flat_obj) if minimize: self.grb_model.setObjective(obj, sense=GRB.MINIMIZE) else: self.grb_model.setObjective(obj, sense=GRB.MAXIMIZE)
[docs] def has_objective(self): return self.grb_model.getObjective().size() != 0 # TODO: check if better way to do this...
def _make_numexpr(self, cpm_expr): """ Turns a numeric CPMpy 'flat' expression into a solver-specific numeric expression Used especially to post an expression as objective function """ import gurobipy as gp if is_num(cpm_expr): return cpm_expr # decision variables, check in varmap if isinstance(cpm_expr, _NumVarImpl): # _BoolVarImpl is subclass of _NumVarImpl return self.solver_var(cpm_expr) # sum if == "sum": return gp.quicksum(self.solver_vars(cpm_expr.args)) if == "sub": a,b = self.solver_vars(cpm_expr.args) return a - b # wsum if == "wsum": return gp.quicksum(w * self.solver_var(var) for w, var in zip(*cpm_expr.args)) raise NotImplementedError("gurobi: Not a known supported numexpr {}".format(cpm_expr))
[docs] def transform(self, cpm_expr): """ Transform arbitrary CPMpy expressions to constraints the solver supports Implemented through chaining multiple solver-independent **transformation functions** from the `cpmpy/transformations/` directory. See the 'Adding a new solver' docs on readthedocs for more information. :param cpm_expr: CPMpy expression, or list thereof :type cpm_expr: Expression or list of Expression :return: list of Expression """ # apply transformations, then post internally # expressions have to be linearized to fit in MIP model. See /transformations/linearize cpm_cons = toplevel_list(cpm_expr) supported = {"min", "max", "abs", "alldifferent"} # alldiff has a specialized MIP decomp in linearize cpm_cons = decompose_in_tree(cpm_cons, supported) cpm_cons = flatten_constraint(cpm_cons) # flat normal form cpm_cons = reify_rewrite(cpm_cons, supported=frozenset(['sum', 'wsum'])) # constraints that support reification cpm_cons = only_numexpr_equality(cpm_cons, supported=frozenset(["sum", "wsum", "sub"])) # supports >, <, != cpm_cons = only_bv_reifies(cpm_cons) cpm_cons = only_implies(cpm_cons) # anything that can create full reif should go above... cpm_cons = linearize_constraint(cpm_cons, supported=frozenset({"sum", "wsum","sub","min","max","mul","abs","pow","div"})) # the core of the MIP-linearization cpm_cons = only_positive_bv(cpm_cons) # after linearization, rewrite ~bv into 1-bv return cpm_cons
def __add__(self, cpm_expr_orig): """ Eagerly add a constraint to the underlying solver. Any CPMpy expression given is immediately transformed (through `transform()`) and then posted to the solver in this function. This can raise 'NotImplementedError' for any constraint not supported after transformation The variables used in expressions given to add are stored as 'user variables'. Those are the only ones the user knows and cares about (and will be populated with a value after solve). All other variables are auxiliary variables created by transformations. :param cpm_expr: CPMpy expression, or list thereof :type cpm_expr: Expression or list of Expression :return: self """ from gurobipy import GRB # add new user vars to the set get_variables(cpm_expr_orig, collect=self.user_vars) # transform and post the constraints for cpm_expr in self.transform(cpm_expr_orig): # Comparisons: only numeric ones as 'only_implies()' has removed the '==' reification for Boolean expressions # numexpr `comp` bvar|const if isinstance(cpm_expr, Comparison): lhs, rhs = cpm_expr.args grbrhs = self.solver_var(rhs) # Thanks to `only_numexpr_equality()` only supported comparisons should remain if == '<=': grblhs = self._make_numexpr(lhs) self.grb_model.addLConstr(grblhs, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, grbrhs) elif == '>=': grblhs = self._make_numexpr(lhs) self.grb_model.addLConstr(grblhs, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, grbrhs) elif == '==': if isinstance(lhs, _NumVarImpl) \ or (isinstance(lhs, Operator) and ( == 'sum' or == 'wsum' or == "sub")): # a BoundedLinearExpression LHS, special case, like in objective grblhs = self._make_numexpr(lhs) self.grb_model.addLConstr(grblhs, GRB.EQUAL, grbrhs) elif == 'mul': assert len(lhs.args) == 2, "Gurobi only supports multiplication with 2 variables" a, b = self.solver_vars(lhs.args) self.grb_model.setParam("NonConvex", 2) self.grb_model.addConstr(a * b == grbrhs) elif == 'div': assert is_num(lhs.args[1]), "Gurobi only supports division by constants" a, b = self.solver_vars(lhs.args) self.grb_model.addLConstr(a / b, GRB.EQUAL, grbrhs) else: # General constraints # grbrhs should be a variable for gurobi in the subsequent, fake it if is_num(grbrhs): grbrhs = self.solver_var(intvar(lb=grbrhs, ub=grbrhs)) if == 'min': self.grb_model.addGenConstrMin(grbrhs, self.solver_vars(lhs.args)) elif == 'max': self.grb_model.addGenConstrMax(grbrhs, self.solver_vars(lhs.args)) elif == 'abs': self.grb_model.addGenConstrAbs(grbrhs, self.solver_var(lhs.args[0])) elif == 'pow': x, a = self.solver_vars(lhs.args) assert a == 2, "Gurobi: 'pow', only support quadratic constraints (x**2)" self.grb_model.addGenConstrPow(x, grbrhs, a) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not a known supported gurobi comparison '{}' {}".format(, cpm_expr)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Not a known supported gurobi comparison '{}' {}".format(, cpm_expr)) elif isinstance(cpm_expr, Operator) and == "->": # Indicator constraints # Take form bvar -> sum(x,y,z) >= rvar cond, sub_expr = cpm_expr.args assert isinstance(cond, _BoolVarImpl), f"Implication constraint {cpm_expr} must have BoolVar as lhs" assert isinstance(sub_expr, Comparison), "Implication must have linear constraints on right hand side" if isinstance(cond, NegBoolView): cond, bool_val = self.solver_var(cond._bv), False else: cond, bool_val = self.solver_var(cond), True lhs, rhs = sub_expr.args if isinstance(lhs, _NumVarImpl) or == "sum" or == "wsum": lin_expr = self._make_numexpr(lhs) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown linear expression {lhs} on right side of indicator constraint: {cpm_expr}") if == "<=": self.grb_model.addGenConstrIndicator(cond, bool_val, lin_expr, GRB.LESS_EQUAL, self.solver_var(rhs)) elif == ">=": self.grb_model.addGenConstrIndicator(cond, bool_val, lin_expr, GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, self.solver_var(rhs)) elif == "==": self.grb_model.addGenConstrIndicator(cond, bool_val, lin_expr, GRB.EQUAL, self.solver_var(rhs)) else: raise Exception(f"Unknown linear expression {sub_expr} name") # True or False elif isinstance(cpm_expr, BoolVal): self.grb_model.addConstr(cpm_expr.args[0]) # a direct constraint, pass to solver elif isinstance(cpm_expr, DirectConstraint): cpm_expr.callSolver(self, self.grb_model) else: raise NotImplementedError(cpm_expr) # if you reach this... please report on github return self
[docs] def solveAll(self, display=None, time_limit=None, solution_limit=None, call_from_model=False, **kwargs): """ Compute all solutions and optionally display the solutions. This is the generic implementation, solvers can overwrite this with a more efficient native implementation Arguments: - display: either a list of CPMpy expressions, OR a callback function, called with the variables after value-mapping default/None: nothing displayed - time_limit: stop after this many seconds (default: None) - solution_limit: stop after this many solutions (default: None) - call_from_model: whether the method is called from a CPMpy Model instance or not - any other keyword argument Returns: number of solutions found """ if time_limit is not None: self.grb_model.setParam("TimeLimit", time_limit) if solution_limit is None: raise Exception( "Gurobi does not support searching for all solutions. If you really need all solutions, try setting solution limit to a large number") # Force gurobi to keep searching in the tree for optimal solutions sa_kwargs = {"PoolSearchMode":2, "PoolSolutions":solution_limit} # solve the model self.solve(time_limit=time_limit, **sa_kwargs, **kwargs) optimal_val = None solution_count = self.grb_model.SolCount opt_sol_count = 0 for i in range(solution_count): # Specify which solution to query self.grb_model.setParam("SolutionNumber", i) sol_obj_val = self.grb_model.PoolObjVal if optimal_val is None: optimal_val = sol_obj_val if optimal_val is not None: # sub-optimal solutions if sol_obj_val != optimal_val: break opt_sol_count += 1 # Translate solution to variables for cpm_var in self.user_vars: solver_val = self.solver_var(cpm_var).Xn if cpm_var.is_bool(): cpm_var._value = solver_val >= 0.5 else: cpm_var._value = int(solver_val) # Translate objective if self.has_objective(): self.objective_value_ = self.grb_model.PoolObjVal if display is not None: if isinstance(display, Expression): print(display.value()) elif isinstance(display, list): print([v.value() for v in display]) else: display() # callback # Reset pool search mode to default self.grb_model.setParam("PoolSearchMode", 0) return opt_sol_count