Obtaining multiple solutions

CPMpy models and solvers support the solveAll() function. It efficiently computes all solutions and optionally displays them. Alternatively, you can manually add blocking clauses as explained in the second half of this page.

When using solveAll(), a solver will use an optimized native implementation behind the scenes when that exists.

It has two special named optional arguments:

  • display=…: accepts a CPMpy expression, a list of CPMpy expressions or a callback function that will be called on every solution found (default: None)

  • solution_limit=…: stop after this many solutions (default: None)

It also accepts named argument time_limit=... and any other keyword argument is passed on to the solver just like solve() does.

It returns the number of solutions found.

solveAll() examples

In the following examples, we assume:

from cpmpy import *
x = intvar(0, 3, shape=2)
m = Model(x[0] > x[1])

Just return the number of solutions (here: 6)

n = m.solveAll()
print("Nr of solutions:", n)

With a solution limit: e.g. find up to 2 solutions

n = m.solveAll(solution_limit=2)
print("Nr of solutions:", n)

Find all solutions, and print the value of x for each solution found.

n = m.solveAll(display=x)

display Can also take lists of arbitrary CPMpy expressions:

n = m.solveAll(display=[x,sum(x)])

Perhaps most powerful is the use of callbacks, which allows for rich printing, solution storing, dynamic stopping and more. You can use any variable name from the outer scope here (it is a closure). That does mean that you have to call var.value() each time to get the value(s) of this particular solution.

Rich printing with a callback function:

def myprint():
    xval = x.value()
    print(f"x={xval}, sum(x)={sum(xval)}")
n = m.solveAll(display=myprint) # callback function without brackets

Also callback with an anonymous lambda function possible:

n = m.solveAll(display=lambda: print(f"x={x.value()} sum(x)={sum(x.value())}")

See the set_game.ipynb for an example of how we use it as a callback to call a plotting function, to plot all the solutions as they are found.

A callback is also the (only) way to go if you want to store information about all the found solutions (only recommended for small numbers of solutions).

solutions = []
def collect():
n = m.solveAll(display=collect, solution_limit=1000) # callback function without brackets
print(f"Stored {len(solutions)} solutions.")

Solution enumeration with blocking clauses

The MiniSearch[1] paper promoted a small, high-level domain-specific language for specifying the search for multiple solutions with blocking clauses.

This approach makes use of the incremental nature of the solver interfaces. It is hence much more efficient (less overhead) to do this on a solver object rather then a generic model object.

Here is an example of standard solution enumeration, note that this will be much slower than solveAll().

from cpmpy import *

x = intvar(0,3, shape=2)
m = Model(x[0] > x[1])
s = SolverLookup.get("ortools", m) # faster on a solver interface directly

while s.solve():
    # block this solution from being valid
    s += ~all(x == x.value())

In case of multiple variables you should put them in one long python-native list, as such:

x = intvar(0,3, shape=2)
b = boolvar()
m = Model(b.implies(x[0] > x[1]))
s = SolverLookup.get("ortools", m) # faster on a solver interface directly

while s.solve():
    print(x.value(), b.value())
    allvars = list(x)+[b]
    # block this solution from being valid
    s += ~all(v == v.value() for v in allvars)

Mixing native callbacks with CPMpy

CPMpy passes arguments to solve() directly to the underlying solver object, so you can actually define your own native callbacks and pass them to the solve call.

The following is an example of that, which is actually how the native solveAll() for ortools is implemented. You could give it your own custom implemented callback cb too.

from cpmpy import *
from cpmpy.solvers import CPM_ortools
from cpmpy.solvers.ortools import OrtSolutionPrinter

x = intvar(0,3, shape=2)
m = Model(x[0] > x[1])

s = SolverLookup.get('ortools', m)
cb = OrtSolutionPrinter()
s.solve(enumerate_all_solutions=True, solution_callback=cb)
print("Nr of solutions:",cb.solution_count())