Source code for cpmpy.expressions.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
Internal utilities for expression handling.

    List of functions
    .. autosummary::


import numpy as np
import math
from import Iterable # for _flatten
from itertools import chain, combinations
from cpmpy.exceptions import IncompleteFunctionError

[docs]def is_bool(arg): """ is it a boolean (incl numpy variants) """ return isinstance(arg, (bool, np.bool_))
[docs]def is_int(arg): """ can it be interpreted as an integer? (incl bool and numpy variants) """ return is_bool(arg) or isinstance(arg, (int, np.integer))
[docs]def is_num(arg): """ is it an int or float? (incl numpy variants) """ return is_int(arg) or isinstance(arg, (float, np.floating))
[docs]def is_false_cst(arg): """ is the argument the constant False (can be of type bool, np.bool and BoolVal) """ from cpmpy import BoolVal if arg is False or arg is np.False_: return True elif isinstance(arg, BoolVal): return not arg.value() return False
[docs]def is_true_cst(arg): """ is the argument the constant True (can be of type bool, np.bool and BoolVal) """ from cpmpy import BoolVal if arg is True or arg is np.True_: return True elif isinstance(arg, BoolVal): return arg.value() return False
[docs]def is_boolexpr(expr): """ is the argument a boolean expression or a boolean value """ #boolexpr if hasattr(expr, 'is_bool'): return expr.is_bool() #boolean constant return is_bool(expr)
[docs]def is_pure_list(arg): """ is it a list or tuple? """ return isinstance(arg, (list, tuple))
[docs]def is_any_list(arg): """ is it a list or tuple or numpy array? """ return isinstance(arg, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
[docs]def flatlist(args): """ recursively flatten arguments into one single list """ return list(_flatten(args))
def _flatten(args): """ flattens the irregular nested list into an iterator from: """ for el in args: if isinstance(el, Iterable) and not isinstance(el, (str, bytes)): yield from _flatten(el) else: yield el
[docs]def all_pairs(args): """ returns all pairwise combinations of elements in args """ return list(combinations(args, 2))
[docs]def argval(a): """ returns .value() of Expression, otherwise the variable itself We check with hasattr instead of isinstance to avoid circular dependency """ try: return a.value() if hasattr(a, "value") else a except IncompleteFunctionError as e: if a.is_bool(): return False raise e
[docs]def eval_comparison(str_op, lhs, rhs): """ Internal function: evaluates the textual `str_op` comparison operator lhs <str_op> rhs Valid str_op's: * '==' * '!=' * '>' * '>=' * '<' * '<=' Especially useful in decomposition and transformation functions that already involve a comparison. """ if str_op == '==': return lhs == rhs elif str_op == '!=': return lhs != rhs elif str_op == '>': return lhs > rhs elif str_op == '>=': return lhs >= rhs elif str_op == '<': return lhs < rhs elif str_op == '<=': return lhs <= rhs else: raise Exception("Not a known comparison:", str_op)
[docs]def get_bounds(expr): """ return the bounds of the expression returns appropriately rounded integers """ # import here to avoid circular import from cpmpy.expressions.core import Expression from cpmpy.expressions.variables import cpm_array if isinstance(expr, Expression): return expr.get_bounds() elif is_any_list(expr): lbs, ubs = zip(*[get_bounds(e) for e in expr]) return list(lbs), list(ubs) # return list as NDVarArray is covered above else: assert is_num(expr), f"All Expressions should have a get_bounds function, `{expr}`" if is_bool(expr): return int(expr), int(expr) return math.floor(expr), math.ceil(expr)