Modeling and solving with CPMpy

This page explains and demonstrates how to use CPMpy to model and solve combinatorial problems, so you can use it to solve for example routing, scheduling, assignment and other problems.


Installation is available through the pip python package manager. This will also install and use ortools as default solver:

pip install cpmpy

See installation instructions for more details.

Using the library

To conveniently use CPMpy in your python project, include it as follows:

from cpmpy import *

This will overload the built-in any(), all(), min(), max(), sum() functions, such that they create CPMpy expressions when used on decision variables (see below). This convenience comes at the cost of some overhead for all uses of these functions in your code.

You can also import it as a package, which does not overload the python built-ins:

import cpmpy as cp

We will use the latter in this document.

Decision variables

Constraint modeling consists of expressing constraints on decision variables, after which a solver will find a satisfying assignment to these decision variables.

CPMpy supports discrete decision variables, namely Boolean and integer decision variables:

import cpmpy as cp

b = cp.boolvar(name="b")
x = cp.intvar(1,10, name="x")

Decision variables have a domain, a set of allowed values. For Boolean variables this is implicitly the values ‘False’ and ‘True’. For Integer decision variables, you have to specify the lower-bound and upper-bound (1 and 10 respectively above).

Decision variables have a unique name. You can set it yourself, otherwise a unique name will automatically be assigned to it. If you print print(b, x) decision variables, it will print the name. Did we already say the name must be unique? Many solvers use the name as unique identifier, and it is near-impossible to debug with non-uniquely named variables.

A solver will set the value of the decision variables for which it solved, if it can find a solution. You can retrieve it with v.value(). Variables are not tied to a solver, so you can use the same variable in multiple models and solvers. When a solve call finishes, it will overwrite the value of all its decision variables.

Finally, by providing a shape you automatically create a numpy n-dimensional array of decision variables. They automatically get their index appended to their name to ensure it is unique:

import cpmpy as cp

b = cp.boolvar(shape=4, name="b")
print(b)  # [b[0] b[1] b[2] b[3]]

x = cp.intvar(1,10, shape=(2,2), name="x")
print(x)  # [[x[0,0] x[0,1]]
          #  [x[1,0] x[1,1]]]

You can also call v.value() on these n-dimensional arrays, which will return an n-dimensional numpy array of values. And you can do vectorized operations and comparisons, like in regular numpy. As we will see below, this is very convenient and avoids having to write out many loops. It also makes it compatible with many existing scientific python tools, including machine learning and visualisation libraries, so a lot less glue code to write.

See the API documentation on variables for more detailed information.

Creating a model

A model is a collection of constraints over decision variables, optionally with an objective function. It represents a problem for which a solution must be found, e.g. by a solver. A solution is an assignment to the decision variables, such that each of the constraints is satisfied.

In CPMpy, the Model() object is a simple container that stores a list of CPMpy expressions representing constraints. It can also store a CPMpy expression representing an objective function that must be minimized or maximized. Constraints are added in the constructor, or using the built-in += addition operator that corresponds to calling the __add__() function.

Here is an example, where we explain how to express constraints in the next section:

import cpmpy as cp

# Decision variables
(x,y,z) = cp.intvar(1,10, shape=3)  # Python unpacks the array into the individual variables

# Initialise the model, here with 2 constraints
m = cp.Model(
   x == 1,
   x + y > 5

# Adding more constraints
m += (y - z != x)
m += (x + y + z <= 15)
# you can also add a list of constraints, which is interpreted as a conjunction of constraints
m += [v <= 9 for v in [x,y,z]]

print(f"The model contains {len(m.constraints)} constraints")
print(m)  # pretty printing of the model, very useful for debugging

The Model() object has a number of other helpful functions, such as to_file() to store the model and copy() for creating a copy.

Expressing constraints

A constraint is a relation between decision variables that restricts what values these variables can take.

We now review the different types of constraints in CPMpy.

Logical constraints

To express conjunction, disjunction and negation of a constraint, we overwite the Python bitwise operators: & for conjunction (read as ‘and’), | for disjunction (read as ‘or’) and ~ for negation (read as ‘not’).

Some examples:

import cpmpy as cp

# Decision variables
(a,b,c) = cp.boolvar(shape=3)

m = cp.Model(
   a | b,
   ~(a & c),
   (b | c) & ~a

Unfortunately, we can not overwite the and, or and not expression that we typically use in if expressions, so remember to use &,|,~ instead. Also unfortunate is that Python bitwise operators have precedence over all other operators, so a == 0 | b == 1 is wrongly interpreted by Python as a == (0 | b) == 1 instead of the (a == 0) | (b == 1) that you probably intend. So make sure to always write explicit brackets when using &,|,~!

For n-ary conjunctions and disjunctions we overloaded the all() and any() functions:

import cpmpy as cp

# Decision variables
bv = cp.boolvar(shape=3)

m = cp.Model(
    cp.any([bv[0], bv[1], bv[2]]),
    cp.any(v for v in bv),  # equivalent to above
    cp.any(bv),  # equivalent to above

These functions accept manually created arrays, iterators or n-dimensional arrays alike.

For equivalence, also called reification, we overload the == comparison:

import cpmpy as cp

# Decision variables
a,b,c = cp.boolvar(shape=3)

m = cp.Model(
    a == b,  # equivalence: (a -> b) & (b -> a)
    a != b   # same as ~(a==b) and same as (a == ~b)

Finally for implication we decided that it would be most readable to introduce a function implies() to our (Boolean) expression objects, e.g.:

import cpmpy as cp

# Decision variables
a,b,c = cp.boolvar(shape=3)

m = cp.Model(

For reverse implication, you switch the arguments yourself; it is difficult to read reverse implications out loud anyway. And as before, always use brackets around subexpressions to avoid surprises!

Simple comparison constraints

We overload Pythons comparison operators: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=. Comparisons are allowed between any CPMpy expressions as well as Boolean and integer constants.

On a technical note, we treat Booleans as a subclass of integer expressions. This means that a Boolean (output) expression can be used anywhere a numeric expression can be used, where True is treated as 1 and False as 0. But the inverse is not true: integers can NOT be used with Boolean operators, even when you intialise their domain to (0,1) they are still not Boolean:

import cpmpy as cp

bv = cp.boolvar()
iv = cp.intvar(0,10)
iv01 = cp.intvar(0,1)

m = cp.Model(
    bv == True,         # allowed
    bv > 0,             # allowed but silly
    iv > 3,             # allowed
    iv != 6,            # allowed
    iv == True,         # allowed but avoid, means `iv == 1`
    iv == bv,           # allowed but avoid, means `(iv == 1) == bv`
    # bv & iv,          # not allowed, choose one of:
    bv & (iv == 1),     # allowed
    bv & (iv != 0),     # allowed
    # bv & iv01,        # not allowed, still an integer

CPMpy’s array of decision variables is numpy-compatible, so it accepts vectorized operations on arrays of expressions:

import cpmpy as cp

iv = cp.intvar(0, 10, shape=3)

m = cp.Model(
    iv == 1,  # a vectorized operation, equivalent to:
    [iv[0] == 1, iv[1] == 1, iv[2] == 1]

You can convert a pure Python list of expressions into a numpy-compatible array by using cpm_array():

import cpmpy as cp

x,y,z = cp.intvar(0, 10, shape=3)

m = cp.Model(
    # [x,y,z] == 1,  # does not work on plain Python arrays
    cp.cpm_array([x,y,z]) == 1  # does work, vectorized

Arithmetic constraints

We overload Python’s built-in arithmetic operators +,-,*,//,%. These can be used to built arbitrarily nested numeric expressions, which can then be turned into a constraint by adding a comparison to it.

We also overwrite the built-in functions abs(),sum(),min(),max() which can be used to created numeric expressions. Some examples:

import cpmpy as cp

xs = cp.intvar(0, 10, shape=3, name="xs")
ys = cp.intvar(1, 10, shape=3, name="ys")

m = cp.Model(
    xs[0] - ys[0] == 5,
    cp.sum(xs) != 1,
    3*xs[0] < cp.abs(5 - cp.max(xs) + cp.min(ys))

All these operations can also be performed vectorized on arrays of the same shape, like in typical numpy code:

import cpmpy as cp
import numpy as np

xs = cp.intvar(0, 10, shape=3, name="xs")
w = np.array([1,3,-5])

m = cp.Model(
    cp.sum(w*xs) > 3,  # 1*xs[0] + 3*xs[1] + (-5)*xs[2] > 3
    xs + w != 0,  # [xs[0] + 1 != 0, xs[1] + 3 != 0, xs[2] + (-5) != 0]
    cp.max(xs - w) == np.arange(3),  # max(xs[0] - 1) == 0, max(xs[1] - 3) == 1, max(xs[2] + 5) == 2]

Note that because of our overloading of +,-,*,// some numpy functions like np.sum(some_array) will also create a CPMpy expression when used on CPMpy decision variables. However, this is not guaranteed, and other functions like np.max(some_array) will not. To avoid surprises, you should hence always take care to call the CPMpy functions cp.sum(),cp.max()etc. We did overloadsome_cpm_array.sum()and.min()/.max()` (including the axis= argument), so these are safe to use.

Global constraints

You may wonder if you are allowed to use functions like abs(),min(),max() because some solvers might not have support for it? The answer is yes you can use them, because they are global constraints.

In constraint solving, a global constraint is a function that expresses a relation between decision variables. There are two pathways when solving a model with global constraints: 1) the solver natively supports them, or 2) the constraint modelling library automatically decomposes the constraint into an equivalent set of simpler constraints.

A good example is the AllDifferent() global constraint that ensures all its arguments have distinct values. AllDifferent(x,y,z) can be decomposed into [x!=y, x!=z, y!=z]. For AllDifferent, the decomposition consists of n*(n-1) pairwise inequalities, which are simpler constraints that most solvers support.

However, a solver that has specialised datastructures for this constraint specifically does not need to create the decomposition. Furthermore, for AllDifferent solvers can implement specialised algorithms that can propagate strictly stronger than the decomposed constraints can.

Global constraints

A non-exhaustive list of global constraints that are available in CPMpy is: Xor(), AllDifferent(), AllDifferentExcept0(), Table(), Circuit(), Cumulative(), GlobalCardinalityCount().

For their meaning and more information on how to define your own global constraints, see the API documentation on global constraints. Global constraints can also be reified (e.g. used in an implication or equality constraint).

CPMpy will automatically decompose them if needed. If you want to see the decomposition yourself, you can call the decompose() function on them.

import cpmpy as cp
x = cp.intvar(1,4, shape=4, name="x")
b = cp.boolvar()
    cp.AllDifferent(x).decompose(),  # equivalent: [(x[0]) != (x[1]), (x[0]) != (x[2]), ...
    cp.Xor(b, cp.AllDifferent(x)),  # etc...

decompose() returns two arguments, one that represents the constraints and an optional one that defines any new variables needed. This is technical, but important to make negation work, if you want to know more check the the API documentation on global constraints.

Numeric global constraints

Coming back to the Python-builtin functions min(),max(),abs(), these are a bit special because they have a numeric return type. In fact, constraint solvers typically implement a global constraint MinimumEq(args, var) that represents min(args) == var, so it combines a numeric function with a comparison, where it will ensure that the bounds of the expressions on both sides satisfy the comparison relation.

However, CPMpy also wishes to support the expressions min(xs) > v as well as v + min(xs) != 4 and other nested expressions.

In CPMpy we do this by instantiating min/max/abs as numeric global constraints. E.g. min([x,y,z]) becomes Minimum([x,y,z]) which inherits from GlobalFunction because it has a numeric return type. Our library will transform the constraint model, including arbitrarly nested expressions, such that the numeric global constraint is used in a comparison with a variable. Then, the solver will either support it, or we will call decompose_comparison() on the numeric global constraint, which will decompose e.g. min(xs) == v.

A non-exhaustive list of numeric global constraints that are available in CPMpy is: Minimum(), Maximum(), Count(), Element().

For their meaning and more information on how to define your own global constraints, see the API documentation on global functions.

import cpmpy as cp
x = cp.intvar(1,4, shape=4, name="x")
s = cp.SolverLookup.get("ortools")
print(s.transform(cp.min(x) + cp.max(x) - 5 > 2*cp.Count(x, 2)))
# [(sum([IV5, IV6, -5])) > (IV4),
#  (min(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3])) == (IV5), (max(x[0],x[1],x[2],x[3])) == (IV6),
#  (sum([2] * [IV3])) == (IV4),
#  (sum([BV0, BV1, BV2, BV3])) == (IV3),
#  (~BV0) -> (x[0] != 2), (BV0) -> (x[0] == 2),
#  (~BV1) -> (x[1] != 2), (BV1) -> (x[1] == 2),
#  (~BV2) -> (x[2] != 2), (BV2) -> (x[2] == 2),
#  (~BV3) -> (x[3] != 2), (BV3) -> (x[3] == 2)]

The Element numeric global constraint

The Element(Arr,Idx) global function enforces that the result equals Arr[Idx] with Arr an array of constants or variables (the first argument) and Idx an integer decision variable, representing the index into the array.

import cpmpy as cp

arr = cp.intvar(1,10, shape=4)
idx = cp.intvar(0,len(arr)-1)  # indexing is offset 0

m = cp.Model(
    arr[idx] == 2
print(f"arr: {arr.value()}, idx: {idx.value()}, val: {arr[idx].value()}")
# example output -- arr: [2 1 3 4], idx: 0, val: 2

The arr[idx] works because arr is a CPMpy NDVarArray() and we overloaded the __getitem__() python function. It even supports multi-dimensional access, e.g. arr[idx1,idx2].

This does not work on NumPy arrays though, as they don’t know CPMpy. So you have to wrap the array in our cpm_array() or call Element() directly:

import numpy as np
import cpmpy as cp

arr = np.arange(4)  # array([0, 1, 2, 3])
idx = cp.intvar(0,len(arr))  # indexing is offset 0

m = cp.Model()
#m += (arr[idx] == 2)             # does not work, numpy does not know what to do
# IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices

cparr = cp.cpm_array(arr)         # wrap in CPMpy array
m += (cparr[idx] == 2)            # works

m += (cp.Element(arr, idx) == 2)  # also works, identical to above

print(f"arr: {arr.value()}, idx: {idx.value()}, val: {arr[idx].value()}")
# arr: [0 1 2 3], idx: 2, val: 2

Objective functions

If a model has no objective function specified, then it is a satisfaction problem: the goal is to find out whether a solution, any solution, exists. When an objective function is added, this function needs to be minimized or maximized.

Any CPMpy expression can be added as objective function. Solvers are especially good in optimizing linear functions or the minimum/maximum of a set of expressions. Other (non-linear) expressions are supported too, just give it a try.

import cpmpy as cp
m = cp.Model()

# Variables
b = cp.boolvar(name="b")
x = cp.intvar(1,10, shape=3, name="x")

# Constraints
m += (x[0] == 1)
m += cp.AllDifferent(x)
m += b.implies(x[1] + x[2] > 5)

# Objective function (optional)
m.maximize(cp.sum(x) + 100*b)

if m.solve():
    print(x.value(), b.value())
    print("No solution found.")

Solving a model

CPMpy can be used as a declarative modeling language: you create a Model(), add constraints and call solve() on it. See the example above.

The return value of solve() is a Boolean indicating whether a solution was found. So regardless of whether it was a satisfaction or optimisation problem or with a timeout, it returns true if ‘a’ solution has been found in the process.

To know the exact solver state and runtime after solve, call status(). In case of an optimisation problem, you can get the objective value of the solution with objective_value().

import cpmpy as cp
xs = cp.intvar(1,10, shape=3)
m = cp.Model(cp.AllDifferent(xs), maximize=cp.sum(xs))

hassol = m.solve()
print("Status:", m.status())  # Status: ExitStatus.OPTIMAL (0.03033301 seconds)
if hassol:
    print(m.objective_value(), xs.value())  # 27 [10  9  8]
    print("No solution found.")

Finding all solutions

You can also conveniently use CPMpy to find all solutions using the solveAll() function:

import cpmpy as cp
x = cp.intvar(0, 3, shape=2)
m = cp.Model(x[0] > x[1])

n = m.solveAll()
print("Nr of solutions:", n)  # Nr of solutions: 6

When using solveAll(), a solver will use an optimized native implementation behind the scenes when that exists.

It has a display=... argument that can be used to display expressions or as a callback, as well as the solution_limit=... argument to set a solution limit. It also accepts any named argument, like time_limit=..., that the underlying solver accepts.

n = m.solveAll(display=[x,cp.sum(x)], solution_limit=3)
# [array([1, 0]), 1]
# [array([2, 0]), 2]
# [array([3, 0]), 3]

There is much more to say on enumerating solutions and the use of callbacks or blocking clauses. See the the detailed documentation on finding multiple solutions.

Debugging a model

If the solver is complaining about your model, then a good place to start debugging is to print the model you have created, or the individual constraints. If they look fine (e.g. no integers, or shorter or longer expressions then what you intended) and you don’t know which constraint specifically is causing the error, then you can feed the constraints incrementally to the solver you are using:

import cpmpy as cp

cons = []  # ... imagine a list of constraints

m = cp.Model(cons)  # any model created
# visually inspect that the constraints match what you wanted to express
# e.g. if you wrote `all(x)` instead of `cp.all(x)` it will contain 'True' instead of the conjunction

s = cp.SolverLookup.get("ortools")
# feed the constraints one-by-one
for c in m.constraints:
    s += c  # add the constraints incrementally until you hit the error

If that is not sufficient or you want to debug an unexpected (non)solution, have a look at our detailed Debugging guide.

Selecting a solver

The default solver is OR-Tools CP-SAT, an award winning constraint solver. But CPMpy supports multiple other solvers: a MIP solver (gurobi), SAT solvers (those in PySAT), the Z3 SMT solver, even a knowledge compiler (PySDD) and any CP solver supported by the text-based MiniZinc language.

See the full list of solvers known by CPMpy with:

import cpmpy as cp

On my system, with pysat and minizinc installed, this gives `[‘ortools’, ‘minizinc’, ‘minizinc:chuffed’, ‘minizinc:coin-bc’, …, ‘pysat:minicard’, ‘pysat:minisat22’, ‘pysat:minisat-gh’]

You can specify a solvername when calling solve() on a model:

import cpmpy as cp
x = cp.intvar(0,10, shape=3)
m = cp.Model(cp.sum(x) <= 5)
# use named solver

Note that for solvers other than “ortools”, you will need to install additional package(s). You can check if a solver, e.g. “minizinc”, is supported by calling cp.SolverLookup.get("gurobi") and it will raise a helpful error if it is not yet installed on your system. See the API documentation of the solver for detailed installation instructions.

Model versus solver interface

A Model() is a lazy container. It simply stores the constraints. Only when solve() is called will it instantiate a solver, and send the entire model to it at once. So m.solve("ortools") is equivalent to:

s = SolverLookup.get("ortools", m)

Solver interfaces allow more than the generic model interface, because, well, they can support solver-specific features. Such as solver-specific parameters, passing a previous solution to start from, incremental solving, unsat core extraction, solver-specific callbacks etc.

Importantly, the solver interface supports the same functions as the Model() object (for adding constraints, an objective, solve, solveAll, status, …). So if you want to make use of some features of a solver, simply replace m = Model() by m = SolverLookup.get("your-preferred-solvername") and your code remains valid. Below, we replace m by s for readability.

import cpmpy as cp
x = cp.intvar(0,10, shape=3)
s = cp.SolverLookup.get("ortools")
# we are operating on the ortools interface here
s += (cp.sum(x) <= 5)

On a technical note, remark that a solver object does not modify the Model object with which it is initialised. So adding constraints to the solver does not add them to that model, and calling s.solve() does not update the status of m.status(), only of s.status().

Setting solver parameters

Now lets use our solver-specific powers. For example, with m a CPMpy Model(), you can do the following to make or-tools use 8 parallel cores and print search progress:

import cpmpy as cp
s = cp.SolverLookup.get("ortools", m)
# we are operating on the ortools interface here
s.solve(num_search_workers=8, log_search_progress=True)

Modern CP-solvers support a variety of hyperparameters. (See the full list of OR-tools parameters for example). Using the solver interface, any parameter that the solver supports can be passed using the .solve() call. These parameters will be posted to the native solver before solving the model.

s.solve(cp_model_probing_level = 2,
        linearization_level = 0,
        symmetry_level = 1)

See the API documentation of the solvers for information and links on the parameters supported. See our documentation page on solver parameters if you want to tune your hyperparameters automatically.

Incremental solving

It is important to realize that a CPMpy solver interface is eager. That means that when a CPMpy constraint is added to a solver object, CPMpy immediately translates it and posts the constraints to the underlying solver. That is why the debugging trick of posting it one-by-one works.

This has two potential benefits for incremental solving, whereby you add more constraints and variables inbetween solve calls:

  1. CPMpy only translates and posts each constraint once, even if the model is solved multiple times; and

  2. if the solver itself is incremental then it can reuse any information from call to call, as the state of the native solver object is kept between solver calls and can therefore rely on information derived during a previous solve call.

gs = SolverLookup.get("gurobi")

gs += sum(ivar) <= 5

gs += sum(ivar) == 3
# the underlying gurobi instance is reused, only the new constraint is added to it.
# gurobi is an incremental solver and will look for solutions starting from the previous one.

Technical note: OR-Tools its model representation is incremental but its solving itself is not (yet?). Gurobi and the PySAT solvers are fully incremental, as is Z3. The text-based MiniZinc language is not incremental.

Using solver-specific CPMpy features

We sometimes add solver-specific functions to the CPMpy interface, for convenient access. Two examples of this are solution_hint() and get_core() which is supported by the OR-Tools and PySAT solvers and interfaces. Other solvers may work differently and not have these concepts.

solution_hint() tells the solver that it could use these variable-values first during search, e.g. typically from a previous solution:

import cpmpy as cp
x = cp.intvar(0,10, shape=3)
s = cp.SolverLookup.get("ortools")
s += cp.sum(x) <= 5
# we are operating on a ortools' interface here
s.solution_hint(x, [1,2,3])

get_core() asks the solver for an unsatisfiable core, in case a solution did not exist and assumption variables were used. See the documentation on Unsat core extraction.

See the API documentation of the solvers to learn about their special functions.

Direct solver access

Some solvers implement more constraints then available in CPMpy. But CPMpy offers direct access to the underlying solver, so there are two ways to post such solver-specific constraints.


The DirectConstraint will directly call a function of the underlying solver, when the constraint is added to a CPMpy solver.

You provide the DirectConstraint with the name of the function you want to call, as well as the arguments:

import cpmpy as cp
iv = cp.intvar(1,9, shape=3)

s =  cp.SolverLookup.get("ortools")
s += cp.AllDifferent(iv)
s += cp.DirectConstraint("AddAllDifferent", iv)  # a DirectConstraint equivalent to the above for OR-Tools

This requires knowledge of the API of the underlying solver, as any function name that you give to it will be called. The only special thing that the DirectConstraint does, is automatically translate any CPMpy variable in the arguments to the native solver variable.

Note that any argument given will be checked for whether it needs to be mapped to a native solver variable. This may give errors on complex arguments, or be inefficient. You can tell the DirectConstraint not to scan for variables with the novar argument, for example:

import cpmpy as cp
trans_vars = cp.boolvar(shape=4, name="trans")

s = cp.SolverLookup.get("ortools")

trans_tabl = [ # corresponds to regex 0* 1+ 0+
    (0, 0, 0),
    (0, 1, 1),
    (1, 1, 1),
    (1, 0, 2),
    (2, 0, 2)
s += cp.DirectConstraint("AddAutomaton", (trans_vars, 0, [2], trans_tabl),
                         novar=[1, 2, 3])  # optional, what arguments not to scan for vars

A minimal example of the DirectConstraint for every supported solver is in the test suite.

The DirectConstraint is a very powerful primitive to get the most out of specific solvers. See the following examples: nonogram_ortools.ipynb which uses a helper function that generates automatons with DirectConstraints; demonstrating ortools’ newly introduced multi-circuit global constraint through DirectConstraint; and that uses a DirectConstraint to use OR-Tools circuit to post a sub-circuit constraint as needed for this price-collecting TSP variant.

Directly accessing the underlying solver

The DirectConstraint("AddAllDifferent", iv) is equivalent to the following code, which demonstrates that you can mix the use of CPMpy with calling the underlying solver directly:

import cpmpy as cp

iv = cp.intvar(1,9, shape=3)

s = cp.SolverLookup.get("ortools")

s += AllDifferent(iv)  # the traditional way, equivalent to:
s.ort_model.AddAllDifferent(s.solver_vars(iv))  # directly calling the API, has to be with native variables

observe how we first map the CPMpy variables to native variables by calling s.solver_vars(), and then give these to the native solver API directly. This is in fact what happens behind the scenes when posting a DirectConstraint, or any CPMpy constraint.

While directly calling the solver offers a lot of freedom, it is a bit more cumbersome as you have to map the variables manually each time. Also, you no longer have a declarative model that you can pass along, print or inspect. In contrast, a DirectConstraint is a CPMpy expression so it can be part of a model like any other CPMpy constraint. Note that it can only be used as top-level (non-nested, non-reified) constraint.

Hyperparameter search across different parameters

Because CPMpy offers programmatic access to the solver API, hyperparameter search can be straightforwardly done with little overhead between the calls.

Built-in tuners

The tools directory contains a utility to efficiently search through the hyperparameter space defined by the solvers tunable_params.

Solver interfaces not providing the set of tunable parameters can still be tuned by using this utility and providing the parameter (values) yourself.

import cpmpy as cp
from import ParameterTuner

model = cp.Model(...)

tunables = {
    'symmetry_level': [0,1,2]}
defaults = {
    "search_branching": 0,
    "linearization_level": 1,
    'symmetry_level': 2

tuner = ParameterTuner("ortools", model, tunables, defaults)
best_params = tuner.tune(max_tries=100)
best_runtime = tuner.best_runtime

This utlity is based on the SMBO framework and speeds up the search by starting from the default configuration, and implementing adaptive capping meaning that the best runtime is used as timeout to avoid wasting time.

The parameter tuner is based on the following publication:

Ignace Bleukx, Senne Berden, Lize Coenen, Nicholas Decleyre, Tias Guns (2022). Model-Based Algorithm Configuration with Adaptive Capping and Prior Distributions. In: Schaus, P. (eds) Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research. CPAIOR 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13292. Springer, Cham.

Another built-in tuner is GridSearchTuner, which does random gridsearch (with adaptive capping).

External tuners

You can also use external hyperparameter optimisation libraries, such as hyperopt:

from hyperopt import tpe, hp, fmin
import cpmpy as cp

# model = Model(...)

def time_solver(model, solver, param_dict):
    s = cp.SolverLookup.get(solver, model)
    return s.status().runtime

space = {
    'cp_model_probing_level': hp.choice('cp_model_probing_level', [0, 1, 2, 3]),
    'linearization_level': hp.choice('linearization_level', [0, 1, 2]),
    'symmetry_level': hp.choice('symmetry_level', [0, 1, 2]),
    'search_branching': hp.choice('search_branching', [0, 1, 2]),

best = fmin(
    fn=lambda p: time_solver(model, "ortools", p), # Objective Function to optimize
    space=space, # Hyperparameter's Search Space
    algo=tpe.suggest, # Optimization algorithm (representative TPE)
    max_evals=10 # Number of optimization attempts
time_solver(model, "ortools", best)